Training & Lessons

Joe is a ICP Level IV, British Eventing Accredited Coach and BHSI registered.Joe

Joe offers training to suit clients individual needs and private coaching is available for both clients either on site, or at a venue to suit them.

If a longer period of training is required, horses are welcomed on site on a full board basis, and there is a possibility of shared accommodation for the owner/rider depending on the length of training required.

His approach is very down to earth, straight forward and uncomplicated. He will assess the clients ability and then advise on a training plan to suit both the client and the horses level. His vast experience in producing young horses to a top international competition level enables him to help his clients through the common, and not so common problems they encounter.

Besides being available for private tuition, Joe is also available to give clinics and group lessons.

For those wishing to gain competition experience, Joe can take clients to competitions with him, giving them guidance and coaching on the various aspects involved.

Joe is also available to train, ride and compete horses for clients. This can be long term or on a short term basis, with a particular emphasis on competition riding, re-schooling and preparation for sale.

Horses are usually accommodated on site on a full board basis, but Joe is always happy to discuss individual needs in this respect and alternative arrangements may be made in certain circumstances.

To find out more, contact Joe at

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